FREquently asked questions
Why should I hire an editor?
We all fall in love with our own manuscripts. Why else would we spend so much time with them? And while it’s wonderful to show a manuscript to friends and family, a professional editor provides honest, objective, and timely comments that help make your manuscript the best it can be. An editor’s “fresh eyes” allows her to see issues you may be surprised you missed.
Why should I hire the Good Girls over other editors?
First and foremost, we adore stories and the writers who craft them. We have both spent several years editing partial and complete manuscripts for our critique partners. After enough harassment about offering our services professionally, we decided it was time to start Good Girls.
We also offer highly competitive rates and a quick turnaround time.
How can I trust you not to steal my book/ideas?
We know it’s scary to send your work to someone you don’t know—we’ve been there, too! But we’re here to help; your stories and ideas are safe. We promise!
As a general practice, however, consider emailing your manuscript to yourself before showing it to others. This preserves a record of your work with a time stamp. Plus, it’s also a great way to back up all of your hard work.
But if you're still worried we'll scamper off with your book, we're happy to sign an NDA.
What type of manuscripts do you accept?
We accept all genres in middle grade (MG), young adult (YA), new adult (NA) and adult fiction (including erotica!).
What do you not accept?
We do not accept non-fiction, memoirs/biographies, self-help, short stories, poetry or screenplays.
Do you offer payment plans?
You may pay in two installments. The first payment is to be made at the start of the project (we cannot begin until we have received your payment). Once we have completed your project, please pay the remaining 50% so we can return your work to you.
Do you offer refunds?
We’re happy to discuss our edits if you order “The Works,” but we maintain a strict no refund policy.
How do I submit my work to Good Girls?
First submit your payment via PayPal or Stripe. Once you have received a confirmation email, send your document as an attachment (.doc or .docx only) to good.girl.editing (at) gmail (dot) com. The file name should include your name and the project’s name so we can easily match your payment confirmation to your file.
How should I format my submission?
Please submit your work in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) using a readable font. Times New Roman is the standard. If you have your book formatted for self-publishing, feel free to leave it formatted that way. If not, please use 12pt font, double spacing, and 1 inch margins.
How long can I expect to wait for edits?
For The Works full critique, expect your manuscript to be returned in 3 weeks.
For the Standard full critique, expect your manuscript to be returned in 2 weeks.
For the Basic full critique, expect your manuscript to be returned in 1 week.
For novella-length pieces, expect your work to be returned in 3 days to 2 weeks, depending on length.
For critique of the first three chapters, expect your work to be returned in 3-7 days.
For everything else, expect your work to be returned in 1-3 days.
In the event we’re booked and can’t meet these deadlines, we will let you know as soon as you inquire, and will give you a realistic timeframe for return of your work.